I say it every month, and this month is NO different! Where has the time gone? We now have a 9 month old. Or, as my brother said, a child that is 3/4 of the way to being ONE! I just cannot believe it!
Banks weighs 18 pounds 8 ounces and is 27 3/4 inches long.
He is now is size 3 diapers and is wearing 6-9 month clothing typically. He has a few outfits that are 12 month, but is mostly wearing 9 month clothes.
He now has 4 teeth (and is working on two more as I type this). He got the third on August 18th and the 4th a week later, on the 25th.
He loves pretty much every food we give him. Seriously. Banana peppers? Sure. Raw onion? Of course! Tomato? Why not! The kid loves his food, but does not like to swallow it. We are still working on that! :)
Banks still loves bath time so much. Since he is pulling up and into everything now, I bought a laundry basket for him to sit in when in the bathtub. This keeps his toys within a reachable distance for him, as well as keeps him contained from standing and falling. It has really worked out quite well!
Banks continues to love daycare and never really minds when I have to leave him. For that, I am thankful. I know some moms who think it is precious (and sometimes, it is) when the child only wants them holding them. But it is SO nice that Banks will literally let anyone hold him, keep him, etc. He is just such a happy child and seldom lets anything or anyone bother him. Ahhh... I think I'll keep him! :)
This month, we traveled to Kennett THREE (yes, three) weekends in a row. Once for a wedding, and twice for wedding showers. We also got his 9 month pictures taken while there. As much as I love Kennett and visiting my family, I am aching for a weekend at home with my boys. One day....
We are loving every minute of life with our little man and can't wait to see what month #9 has in store for us all!

Friday, September 19, 2014
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Banks- 8 months
Our sweet guy is EIGHT months old!
I simply cannot get over how much he has grown lately. He is into everything these days!
Banks has tried lots of new foods this month, and I'll be honest- I have done a terrible job of keeping up with it all. I started with purees, but he was simply not into it. He wants big boy food, and he wants it now! So, I've been steaming fruits and veggies and just giving him small chunks of it. The only things he has turned down so far are green beans and zucchini. Avocado, carrots, sweet potatoes, squash, banana, apple, pineapple, onion, chicken, turkey, tomato-- he pretty much likes it all!
He is still in size two diapers, but will be transitioning to size three soon because I am not buying anymore size twos. He doesn't go back to the doctor until 9 months so we don't have an accurate weight and height.
He is crawling all over the place and can get into everything. Absolutely everything. Last night, on August 17th, he pulled up all by himself for the first time.
Banks spent two weekends in Kennett with his Honey and Bear this month while Alex and I attended the wedding festivities of some great friends. We missed him dearly, but it was quite nice being able to enjoy and celebrate with friends we hadn't seen in a while. We also went to the lake with Honey, Bear, Uncle T, and Lindsay, and went to Birmingham with Gigi to visit Aunt Becca. No matter where we go, we always have a super time!
Banks started daycare on August 4th. It was ROUGH. On both of us. Actually, the first three days were quite traumatic. It was hard for him to be away from me, and he wasn't sleeping while there (probably from too much going on with other babies, noise, new environment, etc.). However, by Thursday, he was pretty much adjusted to our new schedule and did great. I'm hoping that he continues to feel more comfortable with daycare and will soon love going everyday. I'm looking forward to him being around other children and getting the social experience that daycare has to offer. And I am SOOOO thankful and blessed to have him right down the hall from me everyday. PDS is, quite simply, the best place to work and be a mom. I am blessed. Period.
Banks is sleeping from 7:30 or 8:00 to around 7:00 each morning. It is blissful.
Bath time is a favorite around our house. He would bathe for an hour each day if I let him! He loves it. He also loves his new walker that Honey and Bear bought him. He pushes himself all around the kitchen, banging his spatula and whisk on the cabinets. I'm hoping he enjoys cooking and baking as much as his momma does!
Banks also got to spend an entire weekend with his daddy this month. I took a girls' trip to the lake with four of my best friends from high school, so Alex was in charge. While I was a bit nervous about leaving them, I soon found out that I had nothing to worry about. Alex did great and they had a wonderful weekend together. I was able to relax and enjoy some much-needed girl time with my friends.
It was a great month, and I am so thankful to have had 7 1/2 months at home with my little man. I pray that this school year goes smoothly for both of us... I just know it will!
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Banks- 7 months
It's hard to believe that we are now in our last month before I go back to work. Where has the time gone!? One thing is for sure- We have made the most of each and every minute of our time together!
Banks and I have done it all these past few months- snuggled, traveled. slept in, got up early, visited people, had visitors, laughed, cried, walked, ran, strolled, loved, learned, grown, taught, shared... the list goes on and on. To say that the child is my pride and joy would be an absolute understatement.
This month has been a big month.
On 6/15, Banks got his first tooth. On 6/30, he got his second. (both were bottom middles). On 6/30, he tried his first solid food- Avocado. He was definitely a fan! On 6/3, he tried green beans. Not. A. Fan. At all. He hated them. We shall try again in the future. On 6/7, Banks tried carrots. He liked them pretty well. On 6/10, he tried bananas. On 6/13, he tried squash. On 6/15, he tried peas and sweet potatoes (separately).
He is still in size 2 diapers and eating every 3-3 1/2 hours.
On 7/4, I got bit by a tick. I removed in instantly, but it got infected. I had to go to the doctor and get on meds to ensure that I wouldn't get lime disease or rocky mountain fever. This meant that I could not breast feed. We were leaving for a trip the next day, so I decided to end breastfeeding altogether. I was so sad about this- actually miserable. I was in alot of pain for the first 48 hours, but it turned out to be totally okay after that. Banks adjusted quickly, we had a great trip, and I wasn't in pain! I hate that I had to end breastfeeding before I was ready to, but I am so thankful for the 6.5 months we had together.
On 7/9, Banks took his first plane ride to Boston. He was such a trooper! Over the course of the trip, he took 4 plane rides. The 3rd one was a little rocky, but we made it just fine and Mom learned alot about traveling with children. We had such a great trip- toured Fenway Park, Harvard, visited with my old friend Chelcie, ate great food, etc. I really loved the time I got to spend with Banks, my mom, grandma, and aunts and cousins. Such a great trip with lots and lots of memories made. We even visited the site of William Blaxton's (an old relative of Alex's), home in Boston- super cool!
We plan to enjoy these last few weeks with each other before I start back to work. I love my boy!
Sunday, June 22, 2014
Banks- 6 months
It's very hard for me to believe that half a year has already passed with my baby boy. How in the world is he already 6 months old!? One thing is for sure... it has been the most exciting, tiring, fun, and busy 6 months of my life! We have been so blessed.
Banks and I started out his 5th month by taking a second trip to the beach. This time, we went with 3 of my friends and all of their kiddos. 4 kids, 8 moms.... we had quite the crew! We had the best time, and the other kids were so good to help with Banks. I look forward to many more fun kiddo trips!
On our way to the beach, Banks and I stopped in Birmingham to visit Aunt Becca. I love Birmingham. Well, everything except the terrible traffic/road system. We had a great visit with her... I'm not sure who loved our visit more, Banks or Becca!
We also went to the lake with my family this month. Banks had been to the lake before, but this was his first time to get out on the water. Although it was still too chilly for him to get in the water, he really did love riding on the boat. He was such a good sport! It was a great weekend visiting with my mom and dad, brother and his girlfriend.
Banks and I got to spend an ENTIRE week in Kennett this month as well! I swear, the time was passes so much faster when we are in Kennett! The days zoom by and before I know it, it's time to pack up and head home again! One of my favorite things about maternity leave has been my freedom to come see my family whenever I want or need to. We have been blessed with this time so that mom and dad can see Banks alot more often. We will miss this in the fall! :(
While in Kennett, we spent our days visiting, shopping, taking walks, and EATING. So much eating. I know we always say that Kennett has few restaurant choices and that is true, but I gain so much weight every time I come home! Something about that food just reminds me of my childhood. I can't get enough!
We also took Bank's 6 month pictures while in Kennett. I have only seen 2 sneak peeks so far, but I just know that I am going to love them all when they are ready! How fun to have his pictures made in my hometown!
This month, we also celebrated Alex's 28th birthday AND Father's Day... within 3 days of each other! Banks and I had so much fun shopping and preparing for Alex's big celebration. We got him a few clothes, baked him his favorite homemade strawberry cake, made him a Moosetracks ice cream pie, made him a Father's Day card (that he absolutely LOVED), took him out to dinner, and went to the zoo for Father's Day (as he requested)! We had the best time celebrating our sweet Alex!
I had a 2 day conference in June, so we took that time to have a "trial run" with daycare for Banks. He went to the daycare at PDS where he will be attending in the fall. He loved it. They kept sending me pictures of him playing, and he had a huge smile on his face in every single one of them! It's safe to say that I was much more nervous and upset about leaving him than he was... and that's exactly how I would have hoped it would have been. As long as he's content and having fun, momma will be just fine! I'm glad we did the trial run... getting us all ready and out the door by 7:00 was no easy task! I am so thankful to work at a school that offers a daycare right down the hall from me. Not only is it convenient to not have multiple drop offs and pick ups each day, but I can go check on him at any time of day, see him if I need a little "Banks" fix, breastfeed/pump as needed, etc. Plus, they take strolls in the baby buggy to come visit throughout the day! Blessed, blessed, blessed! Thank you PDS!
Alex and his company had a work party this past Friday night, which meant that all of our family babysitters were involved in that. So, Banks had his first "true" babysitter! Our friend Katie came over and kept him. I wasn't nervous at all... she is probably more qualified than I am to watch little ones! :) Alex and I had a nice evening playing dress up and enjoying each other's company, all while knowing our babe was safe and sound with Miss Katie!
Month five brought a few firsts:
Banks sat up for the first time on May 29th.
He cut his first tooth on June 15th. Alex, his parents, and I all saw it and it stayed around for a few hours, then his gums swelled up back over it. We are now waiting for it to come out and stay out!
He had his first real injury on June 14th. He touched the hot iron and burned two fingers pretty badly.
We are still breastfeeding 5-6 times a day. I'm still having to give him 3-4 ounces of formula (only once a day, at bedtime) to ensure that his needs are being met. We have not started solids of any sort, but will probably introduce them within the next week or so.
He is still in size 2 diapers and wears 6-9 month clothing.
He LOVES bathtime. These days, I just fill the tub with a little water and lay him on his back. He kicks and coos and laughs and splashes the entire time. He simply loves it!
We are ready to enjoy the rest of our summer before starting back to school/daycare in the fall!
Banks and I started out his 5th month by taking a second trip to the beach. This time, we went with 3 of my friends and all of their kiddos. 4 kids, 8 moms.... we had quite the crew! We had the best time, and the other kids were so good to help with Banks. I look forward to many more fun kiddo trips!
On our way to the beach, Banks and I stopped in Birmingham to visit Aunt Becca. I love Birmingham. Well, everything except the terrible traffic/road system. We had a great visit with her... I'm not sure who loved our visit more, Banks or Becca!
We also went to the lake with my family this month. Banks had been to the lake before, but this was his first time to get out on the water. Although it was still too chilly for him to get in the water, he really did love riding on the boat. He was such a good sport! It was a great weekend visiting with my mom and dad, brother and his girlfriend.
Banks and I got to spend an ENTIRE week in Kennett this month as well! I swear, the time was passes so much faster when we are in Kennett! The days zoom by and before I know it, it's time to pack up and head home again! One of my favorite things about maternity leave has been my freedom to come see my family whenever I want or need to. We have been blessed with this time so that mom and dad can see Banks alot more often. We will miss this in the fall! :(
While in Kennett, we spent our days visiting, shopping, taking walks, and EATING. So much eating. I know we always say that Kennett has few restaurant choices and that is true, but I gain so much weight every time I come home! Something about that food just reminds me of my childhood. I can't get enough!
We also took Bank's 6 month pictures while in Kennett. I have only seen 2 sneak peeks so far, but I just know that I am going to love them all when they are ready! How fun to have his pictures made in my hometown!
This month, we also celebrated Alex's 28th birthday AND Father's Day... within 3 days of each other! Banks and I had so much fun shopping and preparing for Alex's big celebration. We got him a few clothes, baked him his favorite homemade strawberry cake, made him a Moosetracks ice cream pie, made him a Father's Day card (that he absolutely LOVED), took him out to dinner, and went to the zoo for Father's Day (as he requested)! We had the best time celebrating our sweet Alex!
I had a 2 day conference in June, so we took that time to have a "trial run" with daycare for Banks. He went to the daycare at PDS where he will be attending in the fall. He loved it. They kept sending me pictures of him playing, and he had a huge smile on his face in every single one of them! It's safe to say that I was much more nervous and upset about leaving him than he was... and that's exactly how I would have hoped it would have been. As long as he's content and having fun, momma will be just fine! I'm glad we did the trial run... getting us all ready and out the door by 7:00 was no easy task! I am so thankful to work at a school that offers a daycare right down the hall from me. Not only is it convenient to not have multiple drop offs and pick ups each day, but I can go check on him at any time of day, see him if I need a little "Banks" fix, breastfeed/pump as needed, etc. Plus, they take strolls in the baby buggy to come visit throughout the day! Blessed, blessed, blessed! Thank you PDS!
Alex and his company had a work party this past Friday night, which meant that all of our family babysitters were involved in that. So, Banks had his first "true" babysitter! Our friend Katie came over and kept him. I wasn't nervous at all... she is probably more qualified than I am to watch little ones! :) Alex and I had a nice evening playing dress up and enjoying each other's company, all while knowing our babe was safe and sound with Miss Katie!
Month five brought a few firsts:
Banks sat up for the first time on May 29th.
He cut his first tooth on June 15th. Alex, his parents, and I all saw it and it stayed around for a few hours, then his gums swelled up back over it. We are now waiting for it to come out and stay out!
He had his first real injury on June 14th. He touched the hot iron and burned two fingers pretty badly.
We are still breastfeeding 5-6 times a day. I'm still having to give him 3-4 ounces of formula (only once a day, at bedtime) to ensure that his needs are being met. We have not started solids of any sort, but will probably introduce them within the next week or so.
He is still in size 2 diapers and wears 6-9 month clothing.
He LOVES bathtime. These days, I just fill the tub with a little water and lay him on his back. He kicks and coos and laughs and splashes the entire time. He simply loves it!
We are ready to enjoy the rest of our summer before starting back to school/daycare in the fall!
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Banks- 5 Months
Well, I'm 2 weeks behind. It's been a busy 5th month already!
My baby boy is 5 months. Wow. It doesn't even seem right!
Lots of firsts for Banks this month.
It all started on May 8th when, at his 5 month check-up, he still had not gained enough weight. This led us to introducing cereal for the first time. He did okay with it in the bottle, but not so much by a spoon. Since then, we have cut back on the cereal because it was giving him an upset tummy and terrible diaper rash. He seems to have gained quite a bit of weight since then though!
He also was given his first formula on May 13th. I was not ready to introduce formula, but I am simply not producing enough to keep this boy full. I have tried absolutely everything, but just can't keep up with his needs. He is only getting around 3 ounces of formula a day, typically right before bedtime. I have just had to make myself learn to accept the fact that I can't only breastfeed and am doing what is best for Banks. Life is too short to beat myself up over something I simply cannot help!
Banks celebrated his first Cinco de Mayo this year. We went to our favorite, Happy Mexican, with some friends. Banks was a huge hit!
We celebrated my first Mother's Day on May 11th. Alex, Banks and I went to brunch (an outdoor place, of course!), took a long nap, hung out with friends, and had a nice relaxing day. It was PERFECT!
Banks celebrated his first Cinco de Mayo this year. We went to our favorite, Happy Mexican, with some friends. Banks was a huge hit!
We celebrated my first Mother's Day on May 11th. Alex, Banks and I went to brunch (an outdoor place, of course!), took a long nap, hung out with friends, and had a nice relaxing day. It was PERFECT!
We also took Banks on his first beach trip this month. We were fortunate enough to find a week that both of our families could go. We had the best time! Banks wasn't sure about the sand at first, but ended up loving it by the end of our trip.
As for his weight, he weighed in at 13 lbs. 6 oz. on May 8th and 14 lb. 2 oz. on May 16th. Clearly, adding the little bit of formula everyday has helped to chunk him up!
We are loving the pretty weather and have taken full advantage of it... lots of patio sitting for the Griffiths these days!
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Easter 2014
Easter 2014 was the best Easter ever. Must be that cute baby I got to spend it with!
My parents came to Memphis for the weekend and spent Easter with us. This was so awesome. I haven't gotten to see them at all for the past two Easters, so this meant alot to me. My brother also joined us for part of the weekend. I was in family heaven!
On Friday night, my parents, Tyson and his girlfriend, Alex and I all went to see David Nail in concert. That hometown boy did us proud! It was an awesome show, and I so enjoyed my little night out with the family. Aunt Maddie kept Banks, and I knew she'd do a great job with him so I didn't even have to worry.
On Saturday, we went to a crawfish boil and then took Banks to meet the Easter Bunny. Banks thought it was funny this year... we will see how he feels about it next year! :)
On Sunday, we went to church, then came home to see what the Easter Bunny had left for Banks. That sneaky bunny also brought Alex and Charlie a few gifts this year! We then had brunch out on the patio... a perfect day for it! The weather for Easter was absolutely phenomenal!
I know that each Easter will only get better and better as the years go by. I look forward to teaching Banks about the true meaning of Easter, and us celebrating the love our Father has for each of us.
Hope everyone had a fabulous Easter weekend!
My parents came to Memphis for the weekend and spent Easter with us. This was so awesome. I haven't gotten to see them at all for the past two Easters, so this meant alot to me. My brother also joined us for part of the weekend. I was in family heaven!
On Friday night, my parents, Tyson and his girlfriend, Alex and I all went to see David Nail in concert. That hometown boy did us proud! It was an awesome show, and I so enjoyed my little night out with the family. Aunt Maddie kept Banks, and I knew she'd do a great job with him so I didn't even have to worry.
On Saturday, we went to a crawfish boil and then took Banks to meet the Easter Bunny. Banks thought it was funny this year... we will see how he feels about it next year! :)
On Sunday, we went to church, then came home to see what the Easter Bunny had left for Banks. That sneaky bunny also brought Alex and Charlie a few gifts this year! We then had brunch out on the patio... a perfect day for it! The weather for Easter was absolutely phenomenal!
I know that each Easter will only get better and better as the years go by. I look forward to teaching Banks about the true meaning of Easter, and us celebrating the love our Father has for each of us.
Hope everyone had a fabulous Easter weekend!
Banks- 4 months
My happy, happy boy!
Month 3 flew by just as quickly as the previous 2. It was filled with great times, lots of laughs, and a few firsts for Mr. Banks.
Let's begin with his stats:
Weight: 13 lb. 2 oz. (10th percentile)
Head: 16 1/2 " (75th percentile)
Length: 24 3/4" (50th percentile)
Banks' weight is still not where it needs to be. Therefore, we are upping his Prevacid dosage to try and minimize his spitting up. The Zantac did not touch it, and so far the Prevacid has not either. Hopefully, this stronger dosage will do the trick.
My milk supply is diminishing, so I am on a medicine to try and keep it up to his needs. This is so frustrating for me, as I have no changed by diet or exercise AT ALL. I want to lose weight so badly, but have not changed a thing in order to keep my supply up, but it is just not working. I do not want to have to do formula, so I am hoping this medicine will help me out.
Banks also has had some blood in his stool, and the pediatrician believes it may be due to a reaction from the dairy in my diet. I do not drink milk at all and consume very little dairy. I seriously had to think back to the last time I had any dairy, which was 3 days ago. I had a burrito bowl with a handful of shredded cheese on it. Not exactly an enormous intake of dairy! So, I am now on a strict no-dairy diet. I am willing to do anything to nix this spitting up/weight dilemma!
We are now strictly using size 2 diapers. They are big on him, but I am not buying anymore size 1's. We are also now using his Bumbo seat alot. And he LOVES it. The child will sit in there and just play and play. It's been so nice! :)
The pediatrician told us today that he had the upper body strength of a five or six month old. Awesome news! He has been strong since day one, but he's holding his head up like a champ these days. He also loves to put weight on his cute little feet while holding mom's hands. So sweet!
This month, we transitioned him out of the swaddle. We did this gradually... we started with one arm out, then two, then cut it out all together. I was so worried about this process, afraid it would mess up his sleeping. It didn't, and I feel so much better now that he is out of the swaddle. He's now free to roll over and move around all he wants!
The swaddle didn't affect his sleep, but my low milk supply has. The past five nights have been rough. He's been waking up two and three times a night absolutely STARVING. At first, I was like "oh dear, he's testing me. I'm not getting him out of the crib. Go back to sleep. You always sleep all night. Blah blah blah." But I'm telling you, he is so hungry. Eating full meals two and three times a NIGHT. On top of his 5 or 6 feedings throughout the day. Luckily, I figured out my supply was dropping and knew that had to be the problem. My hope is that the medicine works, fixes my supply problem, and in turn fixes the sleep issue.
Banks is genuinely just a happy baby. Every time we take him anywhere, people stop and ask "is he always this happy!?". He is so go-with-the-flow. I haul him everywhere.... shopping, on walks, to exercise, out to eat, wherever! He and I have lunch together every single day. I make it a point, whether at home or at a restaurant, to sit down and have lunch with just the two of us. Sometimes Alex gets to join, but I shut off the TV and have our time together. If the weather's nice, we ALWAYS eat outside. The child is destined to love patios. Raising him right.
We took our first trip to the zoo this month. It was so much fun! Obviously, Banks is too young to get much out of it, but the weather was perfect and Alex and I were in animal heaven. I look forward to numerous zoo days in our future!
We also celebrated Banks' first Easter. Technically, he was 4 months on Easter, but I'm writing this post a few days late. Easter was fabulous!
I think that just about covers it! Month 4 is already so much fun!
Month 3 flew by just as quickly as the previous 2. It was filled with great times, lots of laughs, and a few firsts for Mr. Banks.
Let's begin with his stats:
Weight: 13 lb. 2 oz. (10th percentile)
Head: 16 1/2 " (75th percentile)
Length: 24 3/4" (50th percentile)
Banks' weight is still not where it needs to be. Therefore, we are upping his Prevacid dosage to try and minimize his spitting up. The Zantac did not touch it, and so far the Prevacid has not either. Hopefully, this stronger dosage will do the trick.
My milk supply is diminishing, so I am on a medicine to try and keep it up to his needs. This is so frustrating for me, as I have no changed by diet or exercise AT ALL. I want to lose weight so badly, but have not changed a thing in order to keep my supply up, but it is just not working. I do not want to have to do formula, so I am hoping this medicine will help me out.
Banks also has had some blood in his stool, and the pediatrician believes it may be due to a reaction from the dairy in my diet. I do not drink milk at all and consume very little dairy. I seriously had to think back to the last time I had any dairy, which was 3 days ago. I had a burrito bowl with a handful of shredded cheese on it. Not exactly an enormous intake of dairy! So, I am now on a strict no-dairy diet. I am willing to do anything to nix this spitting up/weight dilemma!
We are now strictly using size 2 diapers. They are big on him, but I am not buying anymore size 1's. We are also now using his Bumbo seat alot. And he LOVES it. The child will sit in there and just play and play. It's been so nice! :)
The pediatrician told us today that he had the upper body strength of a five or six month old. Awesome news! He has been strong since day one, but he's holding his head up like a champ these days. He also loves to put weight on his cute little feet while holding mom's hands. So sweet!
This month, we transitioned him out of the swaddle. We did this gradually... we started with one arm out, then two, then cut it out all together. I was so worried about this process, afraid it would mess up his sleeping. It didn't, and I feel so much better now that he is out of the swaddle. He's now free to roll over and move around all he wants!
The swaddle didn't affect his sleep, but my low milk supply has. The past five nights have been rough. He's been waking up two and three times a night absolutely STARVING. At first, I was like "oh dear, he's testing me. I'm not getting him out of the crib. Go back to sleep. You always sleep all night. Blah blah blah." But I'm telling you, he is so hungry. Eating full meals two and three times a NIGHT. On top of his 5 or 6 feedings throughout the day. Luckily, I figured out my supply was dropping and knew that had to be the problem. My hope is that the medicine works, fixes my supply problem, and in turn fixes the sleep issue.
Banks is genuinely just a happy baby. Every time we take him anywhere, people stop and ask "is he always this happy!?". He is so go-with-the-flow. I haul him everywhere.... shopping, on walks, to exercise, out to eat, wherever! He and I have lunch together every single day. I make it a point, whether at home or at a restaurant, to sit down and have lunch with just the two of us. Sometimes Alex gets to join, but I shut off the TV and have our time together. If the weather's nice, we ALWAYS eat outside. The child is destined to love patios. Raising him right.
We took our first trip to the zoo this month. It was so much fun! Obviously, Banks is too young to get much out of it, but the weather was perfect and Alex and I were in animal heaven. I look forward to numerous zoo days in our future!
We also celebrated Banks' first Easter. Technically, he was 4 months on Easter, but I'm writing this post a few days late. Easter was fabulous!
I think that just about covers it! Month 4 is already so much fun!
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Banks- 3 months
We have a 3 month old! A happy, cheerful, beautiful 3 month old!
Banks has changed SO month this month. He is much stronger, holding his upper body up with no problem. He is still very alert, constantly looking around and focusing on certain objects that catch his eye. He really enjoys laying on his play mat, and loves to be naked these days (typical boy!).
This month, Banks has started laughing, smiling, and cooing CONSTANTLY. It is the cutest thing I have ever seen. I seriously cannot wait for him to wake up each morning so that he will start making his wonderful baby noises. I can't get enough of it!
We are still in size one diapers for now. I am anticipating us moving to size two diapers at some point this month. It really depends on his weight gain. We go back next week for a weight check, and I am hoping that we get good news. We have altered our feedings slightly in order to minimize his spitting up and diarrhea problem. It's not nearly as convenient, but his tummy seems to feel better and we are not having nearly as many blowouts as we were!
Banks is still sleeping 11 hours each night, but has slept for 12 hours the past few nights. We are almost ready to begin the transition out of the swaddle. Wish us luck... I am nervous!
Banks went for his weight check today, and did not get the report we had hoped for. He weighed in at 12 pounds, 3 ounces- in the 7th percentile for weight. Our changes to our feeding schedule have not helped the way we had hoped.
Since he was 3 weeks old, I had been telling our doctor and nurse that I was concerned about Banks' spitting up. I just thought it was excessive and not normal. They ensured me that he was fine, and I brushed it off thinking I was being an over-the-top first-time mother. During our appointment today, He projectile vomited ALL over he and I while the doctor was in our room. I was so thankful this happened, because she immediately prescribed him Zantac. Our hope is that this will nix the spitting up so that he is able to gain weight. Fingers crossed!
Banks has changed SO month this month. He is much stronger, holding his upper body up with no problem. He is still very alert, constantly looking around and focusing on certain objects that catch his eye. He really enjoys laying on his play mat, and loves to be naked these days (typical boy!).
This month, Banks has started laughing, smiling, and cooing CONSTANTLY. It is the cutest thing I have ever seen. I seriously cannot wait for him to wake up each morning so that he will start making his wonderful baby noises. I can't get enough of it!
We are still in size one diapers for now. I am anticipating us moving to size two diapers at some point this month. It really depends on his weight gain. We go back next week for a weight check, and I am hoping that we get good news. We have altered our feedings slightly in order to minimize his spitting up and diarrhea problem. It's not nearly as convenient, but his tummy seems to feel better and we are not having nearly as many blowouts as we were!
Banks is still sleeping 11 hours each night, but has slept for 12 hours the past few nights. We are almost ready to begin the transition out of the swaddle. Wish us luck... I am nervous!
Banks went for his weight check today, and did not get the report we had hoped for. He weighed in at 12 pounds, 3 ounces- in the 7th percentile for weight. Our changes to our feeding schedule have not helped the way we had hoped.
Since he was 3 weeks old, I had been telling our doctor and nurse that I was concerned about Banks' spitting up. I just thought it was excessive and not normal. They ensured me that he was fine, and I brushed it off thinking I was being an over-the-top first-time mother. During our appointment today, He projectile vomited ALL over he and I while the doctor was in our room. I was so thankful this happened, because she immediately prescribed him Zantac. Our hope is that this will nix the spitting up so that he is able to gain weight. Fingers crossed!
Saturday, March 1, 2014
Banks- 2 months
Where does the time go?
I cannot believe Banks is already two months old! We are enjoying him SO much, and love watching him grow each and every day.
Banks' 2 month measurements are:
Weight: 11.4 lbs.
Length: 23 inches
Head: 15 3/4 inches
The doctor is a little concerned since he has not gained very much weight in the past five weeks. Instead of feeding him every 3 hours during the day, I am now going to feed ever 2.5 hours in order to squeeze in one extra feeding per day. Hopefully, this will fatten him up a little bit!
He also got his first round of shots today. Not fun.
Banks slept in his crib for the first time on his one month birthday and hasn't looked back ever since. He seems to actually enjoy his crib, and we are both much more comfortable in our own rooms. :) He started the month by sleeping 6-7 hours each night, waking up for one quick 8-10 minute feeding, then sleeping for another 3 or so hours. By the middle of this month, he started sleeping about 8 hours, waking up for an even shorter feeding, then sleeping for another 3 hours. That's where we are right now, and I must say, it's a pretty nice schedule!
He is wearing size 1 diapers right now, but I can already tell that he will be ready to move up a size in no time at all. The kid is an eater, let me tell ya. He is now wearing mostly 3 month clothes, but can wear several 6-9 month outfits (depends on the brand and how many times it's been washed).
One of our main goals for this month was to get Banks to take a bottle. I am still breastfeeding and pumping, but he would refuse the bottle. This was cute and fine at first, but we are to the point of mommy needing some "me" time every now and then, and we needed someone other that myself to be able to feed him when I was away. I have several upcoming appointments and plans, so the bottle was a necessity. After buying literally every bottle that Target carried and ordering several more brands from Amazon, I FINALLY was able to get Banks to take a bottle on Wednesday, February 12th. I was so thrilled and relieved that Alex and I went out to dinner to celebrate that night! I spend two entire days working with him and trying to get him to take it, and it finally paid off. Everyone kept telling me that it would have to be someone other than myself to get him to try it, but he simply refused the bottle from Alex, my mother-in-law, and several friends so I became desperate. It worked though, and we are now smooth sailing!
During this month, Memphis had its first snow. Therefore, Banks had his first snow! We bundled him up and took him outside for a little winter photoshoot to document the occasion!
We also had some very pretty weather this month. Alex and I took Banks downtown one Saturday to enjoy the beautiful weather. We ate at Pearl's Oyster House, walked by the Arcade, Lorraine Hotel, Civil Rights Museum, the Orpheum, and the Peabody, and simply enjoyed downtown Memphis. I absolutely love going downtown and cannot wait to take Banks to Grizzlies and Redbirds games!
Banks got to have his first playdate with Ms. Kate Hill. He slept for the majority of it, but woke up and played for a bit!
I cannot wait to watch this boy continue to grow. It is such a blessing to have the opportunity to be his momma! Bless his heart, he's really started looking like me this month.
Until next time!
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
First visit to Kennett
Banks and I traveled to Kennett for a day trip on January 2nd, when he was just 2 weeks old. We didn't intend on spending the night, but ended up staying because I was pooped!
However, our first REAL overnight trip to Kennett was January 19-22. We had the best time!
Alex had a work trip to Des Moines during those days, so it was the perfect time for us to go visit everyone. Plus, it was my grandmother's 73rd birthday on the 20th, so we were able to celebrate with the rest of the family (something that I get to rarely do since I'm usually teaching during this time of year).
My parents were so happy to have Banks and I (ooooor let's be honest.... mostly Banks) in Kennett for a few days. It was so nice to see them. I can only hope that they are able to see Banks as often as possible! I wish they lived closer to us.
We also had a nice surprise visit with Bill and Linda while in Kennett. They just happened to be passing through on Tuesday, so we were able to have dinner with them on Tuesday night. I am SO glad that they got to meet Banks at just one month old! What an absolute blessing that it worked out so perfectly for them to be passing through while we happened to be in Kennett!
It was a great visit, and I am looking forward to many, many more in the near future.
Banks is 1 Month Old
{First overnight trip to Kennett. January 21, 2014}
We had Banks' one month check-up today, and he did great. We have to start his shots and vaccinations next month, so I know that will be a completely new experience for both of us. :(
His one month measurements are:
Weight- 9 pounds 10 ounces
Length- 21.75 inches
Head- 14.5 inches
Those are really all about average measurements, which is right where he needs to be.
During his first month, Banks celebrated his first holiday (Christmas) at just one week old. He also took his first day trip with mommy to Kennett at 2 weeks and 1 day old. At 5 weeks, he went to Kennett to visit Honey and Poppa No Name for three days. They LOVED getting to spend time with him and show him off to friends and the rest of the family.
{Banks' First Christmas. Christmas Morning 2013}
{January 3, 2014}
He wore newborn diapers the entire month, but switched to size 1 diapers on his 1 month birthday (January 18th). He is beginning to outgrow most of his newborn onesies, especially those with feet. Banks has some extremely long feet and toes! Most of his newborn gowns are still fitting nicely.
We first saw Banks smile on Tuesday, January 7th. Alex and I both got to witness it at the same time, so it was an extremely special moment. I only wish we could have captured it on camera. Since then, we have seen him smile numerous times, especially when he is drifting off to sleep.
Banks is one strong boy, and has been able to lift his head up since he was about 2 or 3 days old. It is quite impressive!
{January 8th, 2014}
{First day trip to Kennett. January 2, 2014)
That's the monthly update on my main man. I am absolutely LOVING watching him grow and change each and every day!
{January 9, 2014}
Thursday, January 9, 2014
Banks' First Christmas
Banks turned one week old on Christmas day this year. Needless to say, he was our most favorite Christmas gift we have EVER received. While most, if not all, of our holiday traditions got pushed aside this year due to having a new baby and me having just had a c-section, this Christmas was truly amazing and one that neither of us will ever forget.
My parents were already in town from his arrival, so they were able to stay all the way through the holidays. Therefore, we had our family Christmas in Memphis this year. Normally, it would break my heart not to be able to go to Kennett for Christmas, but I was more than okay with not having to travel this year. This was my very first Christmas in 26 years to not spend it in Kennett--- no Christmas Eve dinner, no Christmas Eve church service, no Christmas in Kennett, no Hallelujah on the Square. But, I survived and honestly never thought another thing of missing all of these wonderful events!
Christmas Eve was actually a very nice, not too cold day. Therefore, we were able to get out of the house and take Banks out to Alex's parents house for a Christmas Eve lunch and presents. On the way out there, we stopped so that Banks could get his picture made with Santa. Alex thought this was absolutely crazy, especially on Christmas Eve, with a 6 day old, but I didn't care. I knew that in future years I would regret not having Bank's First Christmas picture with Santa. So, we stopped and got it made. And boy, we were not disappointed! Take a look at this bundle of cuteness:
I am a little obsessed with this picture and know that I will love and cherish it even more in the years to come.
After lunch, the three of us came back to our house and enjoyed Christmas Eve at home with my parents and brother. We watched A Christmas Story and had a wonderful evening at home.
The next morning, we woke up to find that Santa came to visit Banks! I am so excited that we finally get to look forward to Santa stopping by the Griffith house from now on!
Banks was too busy snoozing to really care about his gifts from Santa, but at least we have it documented that Santa did stop by for a visit!
The rest of our Christmas Day was very relaxing and stress-free. It was so nice to not have to travel or pack for a trip the next day this year. Don't get me wrong, we've never cared about doing any of those things before, but we did enjoy this low-key holiday season at home this year!
We hope that you and yours had a blessed Christmas as well. We are so thankful that Banks arrived a little early and that we were all able to be home for our first Christmas together!
My parents were already in town from his arrival, so they were able to stay all the way through the holidays. Therefore, we had our family Christmas in Memphis this year. Normally, it would break my heart not to be able to go to Kennett for Christmas, but I was more than okay with not having to travel this year. This was my very first Christmas in 26 years to not spend it in Kennett--- no Christmas Eve dinner, no Christmas Eve church service, no Christmas in Kennett, no Hallelujah on the Square. But, I survived and honestly never thought another thing of missing all of these wonderful events!
Christmas Eve was actually a very nice, not too cold day. Therefore, we were able to get out of the house and take Banks out to Alex's parents house for a Christmas Eve lunch and presents. On the way out there, we stopped so that Banks could get his picture made with Santa. Alex thought this was absolutely crazy, especially on Christmas Eve, with a 6 day old, but I didn't care. I knew that in future years I would regret not having Bank's First Christmas picture with Santa. So, we stopped and got it made. And boy, we were not disappointed! Take a look at this bundle of cuteness:
I am a little obsessed with this picture and know that I will love and cherish it even more in the years to come.
After lunch, the three of us came back to our house and enjoyed Christmas Eve at home with my parents and brother. We watched A Christmas Story and had a wonderful evening at home.
The next morning, we woke up to find that Santa came to visit Banks! I am so excited that we finally get to look forward to Santa stopping by the Griffith house from now on!
Banks was too busy snoozing to really care about his gifts from Santa, but at least we have it documented that Santa did stop by for a visit!
The rest of our Christmas Day was very relaxing and stress-free. It was so nice to not have to travel or pack for a trip the next day this year. Don't get me wrong, we've never cared about doing any of those things before, but we did enjoy this low-key holiday season at home this year!
We hope that you and yours had a blessed Christmas as well. We are so thankful that Banks arrived a little early and that we were all able to be home for our first Christmas together!
Monday, January 6, 2014
Banks' Nursery
I chose to do a very simple, neutral nursery for Banks. I knew this was the type of nursery I wanted regardless of the baby's sex, so I got started on it pretty much right after I found out we were expecting.
The one request I had for the nursery was to get a dark bronze metal crib. I have had this set in my mind for a very long time, and I was determined to find the perfect crib. I wanted one that I could use for all of my future children, and that's exactly what we got.
The one request I had for the nursery was to get a dark bronze metal crib. I have had this set in my mind for a very long time, and I was determined to find the perfect crib. I wanted one that I could use for all of my future children, and that's exactly what we got.
After I had found the crib I wanted, my next purchase was the crib bedding. I went with a natural colored linen bedding, with cream sheets and a monogrammed pillow.
I found a matching dresser and chest at a flea market in Mountain Home, AR. I had actually found them a couple of months before, while at the lake with my parents, but at that point I wasn't 100 percent certain they were the look I was going for (it depended on the sex of the baby). After we found out that we were having a boy, I called back and they were still available! So, the next time we went to the lake, we loaded them up at took them home with us. I got both pieces for a total of $150. Score! We sanded them down and repainted them to go with the light and airy scheme of the nursery.
What the piece looked like before
I also found a cute wooden twin bed at an antique store in West Point, MS. It was painted bright blue, so we just painted it using the same white we used on the chest and dresser. I love the way it turned out.
For the twin bedding, I found a white quilt at Home Goods and had the pillows and duvet made out of fabric I found on sale here in Memphis. I also had a changing pad cover made out of one of the fabrics.
One of my coworkers was getting rid of her nursery glider right around the time I announced that I was expecting. She called and asked me if I would take it, and of course I jumped on the offer! She and her sweet hubby delivered it that day, so all I had to do was find some fabric and get it recovered. Easy enough.
The bookshelf was another flea market find. I had been wanting a bookshelf of some sort for the nursery (it's the teacher in me I suppose), but was really out of wall space for anything too big. My mom found this one in Kennett, so I just repainted it using the same white paint. This turned out to be the most difficult and time-consuming project for the nursery. Those rods cannot be removed, and my hands did not really fit between them to paint! In the end, it turned out great.
Another project I did was the monogrammed canvas above the twin bed. I ordered the monogram from a website I found on Pinterest, and had it shipped unfinished and unpainted. I then painted it using a chocolate brown, and painted the canvas using that same exact white from all of of the pieces of furniture. Using lots of gorilla glue and super glue, I glued the monogram to the canvas and voila! Cheap, boyish art for the nursery.
All of the lamps, frames, accent table, etc. came from Home Goods and TJ Maxx. I really lucked out and found some cute, inexpensive pieces that coordinated perfectly.
So there's the nursery. I think it was a big success. I have found both Alex and Charlie spending time in there by themselves, and I love to go in there and just hang out. It's such a peaceful room, and one that I hope Banks will really enjoy and be proud of when he's a little bit older!
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