
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Also, Alex got a new truck this week! Well actually, he's taking his dad's truck, which is a huge upgrade from his Tahoe, and his dad got a new one. So, we are now the proud owners of a truck. We couldn't be happier!
I have my first softball game tonight. For the last three years, I have played on a coed team, and it's alot of fun, so I didn't have the heart to tell them no this year. It is a great time with those guys. but this semester is really busy as it is. Hopefully I can find time each week for our games!
I wasn't going to go home this weekend for Easter because I have literally driven the past 7 weekends in a row, but I found out all of my friends from home are going home, so I am too! I am really excited to see everyone, and Alex is coming for Friday and Saturday! So, Happy Easter everyone!
Monday, March 29, 2010
Is it really already April?!
Alex and I at the Concert
Saturday consisted of nothing but painting. Literally, 12 hours of painting. We were lucky enough to recruit Sherri and Brandon to help out, so we knocked out the majoritiy of the house. YEY! Speaking of the house, the tile has been layed and the cabinets are scheduled to go up on Wednesday. I can hardly contain my excitement! After the kitchen is complete, we can start moving our stuff in! We also purchased our new (old) bedroom furniture this weekend! All of it is very old antiques, but I LOVE it! I can't decide if I want to leave it the way it is, or paint it, or refinish it. Decisions, Decisions! All we need now is a bed, which should be easy to find.
One of our new pieces of furniture! I love antiques, especially unique pieces like this!
Now onto wedding updates! What you've all been waiting for, I'm sure! (Ha!) Last Tuesday mom and I met with the wedding planner to finalize church decorations, reception order of events, centerpieces, etc. We got so much accomplished! On Wednesday, I finished addressing the invitations! Yep, I'm finished with the outer and inner envelopes AND have them all put together (Many thanks to my mom for helping me!). Also on Wednesday I took my bridal portraits. So. Much. Fun. Seriously, if my wedding day is as much fun as the bridal session, then I will be the happiest girl in the world! But, if you know me, then you know I absolutely suck at keeping secrets and surprises, so keeping these pictures from Alex is probably going to be the death of me! I can't stand it! :)
On Sunday, I had my Kennett shower! My hometown never ceases to amaze me: the generosity of everyone was beyond belief. We had an awesome turn out, and it was SO much fun! A big THANK YOU to all of my wonderful hostesses!
The hostesses and I !
Well, that's a wrap! Everyone have a fabulous week!
Monday, March 15, 2010
World Traveler
So on Thursday afternoon, I left Fayetteville to go to Memphis. Alex and I had made plans to paint our house all weekend. Well, during my 5 hour drive, my grandmother called and informed me that my great aunt and cousin were going to meet her in Mississippi for the weekend. My great-grandmother, Sippi Maw, lives about 10 minutes from Starkville. She has not been doing very well lately, as she is 96 years old and had a stroke about 6 weeks ago. So, I called Alex and begged him to go with me on Saturday! Being the wonderful fiance that he is, he agreed to go so I got to see my family all day on Saturday! It was a hectic weekend, and we didn't get much painting accomplished, but seeing the family was well worth it!
Alex's mom and I did get the guest bedroom painted on Friday afternoon, so we are one room down. This weekend we WILL get the master bedroom, hallway, and office painted as well. I will post pictures of the house as soon as it looks more presentable (for now, we are waiting on new sheetrock in the kitchen, getting the cabinets and granite installed, and finishing painting).
This Friday, I am going back to Memphis for the JOHN MAYER CONCERT! Woo! I cannot wait! We are going with Alex's family and it should be alot of fun. On Saturday, we are going to pick up our bedroom furniture in Jonesboro and painting!
As for wedding updates this week, we are getting our wedding bands on Saturday! They've already been picked out, but it's still exciting! Also, I'm in the process of choosing songs for the ceremony. I never knew how difficult this would be. We've had all the other songs for the evening chosen for months now, but the ceremony songs have gotten me stuck!
Have a happy week, ya'll!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Let That Pony Run!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
I don't even know my last name!?
I worked on updating my recipe book all night last night. You know, I have to get more domestic so I can be a wonderful housewife. It's not that I am a bad cook, I just haven't had a ton of practice. And I really enjoy it. Alex says I don't give myself enough credit, but his mom is Mrs. Iron Chef so I have big shoes to fill to keep my boy filled!
On to wedding updates! I ordered my garter, cups, and flower girl basket this week. Making progress! Mom and I are working on a stamp design for the invitations. After all of the wonderful compliments on our "Save the Date" stamps, I really don't think we can top those but it'll still be a good one! We are also now on round two of my dress alterations. That's right, folks. KP has slimmed way down! Heck yes, I love progress.
Hope everyone has/had a terrific Thursday and a wonderful weekend! I'm off to Hot Springs tomorrow afternoon for a great weekend with Alex and our friends!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
So, I guess I'll start by saying that this whole long-distance thing isn't nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be. I have time to focus on school, get in shape for the big day and honeymoon, plan the wedding, and spend the next few months with my wonderful friends. Alex is focusing on his new job, which unfortanately takes up the majority of his weekdays! Poor thing. We are also in the process of remodeling our kitchen, so he is keeping the workers in line for me while I'm not there! :)
Obviously, wedding planning is by far my favorite hobby right now. All of the major things are already booked and complete, but there's always something new to play with! Last week, I started addressing the invitations (which takes FOREVER). Alex and I went to Kennett last weekend and met with the florist, so the flowers are done (thank goodness... I'm not a flower person at all, which kills my mother). If it were up to me, we would all be carrying a colorful margarita or something. I also got to go by the reception venue, which is beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. I am so excited about Kennett getting that place, not only for my wedding, but it's just a nice addition to the square!
This weekend Alex and I are going to Hot Springs to the horse races. Should be a wonderful weekend to just get away and relax after a week full of midterms and craziness!
Happy Wednesday, everyone!