I have no new pictures to add to my blog, mainly because we have not done anything too picture-worthy lately and we have been busy and scattered during the month of May. So I'll just give a brief update! :)
I have officially finished my first year of teaching! I cannot even call the ending bittersweet, because I definitely did not want the year to draw to an end. I have learned so much from those sweet boys, my coworkers, and administrators and am truly blessed to work at such a wonderful school. I am counting my blessings and thanking the good Lord for giving me this amazing opportunity.
Alex has been traveling so much lately that I almost forget where he is traveling to! He and his company are doing amazing things and I am so proud of him, but Charlie and I sure do miss him when he's on the road! I know it will all pay off, though.
Our first house is now for sale!!!! As much as I love our cute little house, the key word in that statement is little. It's great for the two of us, but since it's buying season we thought we'd put it on the market and see if we got any bites.

I've started grad school summer classes and know this is going to be a looooong summer. I just keep telling myself that it's only one summer and it will be SO worth it next May! Plus with Alex traveling so much, there couldn't be a better time for me to be super busy with school. Ya'll just be praying for me! :)
I'm going to try to do better with blogging/taking pictures, but no promises for the next 2 months!
Love ya, bloggies!
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