
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Banks- 8 months
Our sweet guy is EIGHT months old!
I simply cannot get over how much he has grown lately. He is into everything these days!
Banks has tried lots of new foods this month, and I'll be honest- I have done a terrible job of keeping up with it all. I started with purees, but he was simply not into it. He wants big boy food, and he wants it now! So, I've been steaming fruits and veggies and just giving him small chunks of it. The only things he has turned down so far are green beans and zucchini. Avocado, carrots, sweet potatoes, squash, banana, apple, pineapple, onion, chicken, turkey, tomato-- he pretty much likes it all!
He is still in size two diapers, but will be transitioning to size three soon because I am not buying anymore size twos. He doesn't go back to the doctor until 9 months so we don't have an accurate weight and height.
He is crawling all over the place and can get into everything. Absolutely everything. Last night, on August 17th, he pulled up all by himself for the first time.
Banks spent two weekends in Kennett with his Honey and Bear this month while Alex and I attended the wedding festivities of some great friends. We missed him dearly, but it was quite nice being able to enjoy and celebrate with friends we hadn't seen in a while. We also went to the lake with Honey, Bear, Uncle T, and Lindsay, and went to Birmingham with Gigi to visit Aunt Becca. No matter where we go, we always have a super time!
Banks started daycare on August 4th. It was ROUGH. On both of us. Actually, the first three days were quite traumatic. It was hard for him to be away from me, and he wasn't sleeping while there (probably from too much going on with other babies, noise, new environment, etc.). However, by Thursday, he was pretty much adjusted to our new schedule and did great. I'm hoping that he continues to feel more comfortable with daycare and will soon love going everyday. I'm looking forward to him being around other children and getting the social experience that daycare has to offer. And I am SOOOO thankful and blessed to have him right down the hall from me everyday. PDS is, quite simply, the best place to work and be a mom. I am blessed. Period.
Banks is sleeping from 7:30 or 8:00 to around 7:00 each morning. It is blissful.
Bath time is a favorite around our house. He would bathe for an hour each day if I let him! He loves it. He also loves his new walker that Honey and Bear bought him. He pushes himself all around the kitchen, banging his spatula and whisk on the cabinets. I'm hoping he enjoys cooking and baking as much as his momma does!
Banks also got to spend an entire weekend with his daddy this month. I took a girls' trip to the lake with four of my best friends from high school, so Alex was in charge. While I was a bit nervous about leaving them, I soon found out that I had nothing to worry about. Alex did great and they had a wonderful weekend together. I was able to relax and enjoy some much-needed girl time with my friends.
It was a great month, and I am so thankful to have had 7 1/2 months at home with my little man. I pray that this school year goes smoothly for both of us... I just know it will!
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