I decided to start off 2012 by getting a grip on my weight and fitness before it spiraled too far out of control. A year and a half ago I was the smallest I had ever been, and just in time for my wedding in June. I worked out twice a day and literally ate nothing unhealthy. As soon as the wedding was over, I ate everything in sight! Immediately after the honeymoon, I moved to a new town, did not have a gym membership, started a new career, and started graduate school. All factors that lead to one thing: WEIGHT GAIN. At first, it did not bother me. I knew there was no way for me to work full-time and keep up my crazy wedding diet plan. I also knew that I actually needed to gain a little bit of weight to be healthier. However, I just could not get a system that worked for me and my crazy schedule in Memphis. My husband kept saying that I looked great, and I believed him. Afterall, isn't he the only one whose opinion really matters?
Over Thanksgiving, I heard some family members discussing my weight gain. Not even in a bad way, but I heard it nonetheless. They were basically just saying that I'm not the insanely small person I once was. But their comments were my first bit of motivation that I had been lacking for so long.
On December 5th, I had my annual check-up at the doctor. They weighed me, and of course I was not happy with the number that was staring back at me on the scale. I knew I had to do something. That day, I started my diet. However, I do not like to call it a diet, because that's so restrictive. I like to call it my healthy eating plan. When I have earned a cheat day, I allow myself to splurge. Until then, it's healthy eating. As soon as I wrapped up my grad classes on December 14th, I started my work out as well. Boy, how I had missed working out!
Over Christmas and New Years (the hardest time to watch what you eat AND the busiest time of year to find time to work out) I ate extremely healthy and worked out as much as possible. Then school started back. To my surprise, my coworkers were already noticing my weight loss! Then, we all decided to start our own version of "The Biggest Loser" at school. More motivation!
Since starting my healthy eating/working out on December 5th, I have lost 12 pounds. I am thrilled with my results. I definitely have a few more pounds to shed, but I feel like I have already done the hardest part: actually starting my healthy routine.
So, here's to hoping that I can keep this going until I reach my goal weight!