Good evening, bloggers!
As I sit and watch the Home Run Derby with Alex and Charlie, I wanted to share some wonderful new with you.
I began applying for a few teaching jobs back in March. I didn't really spend a whole lot of time looking for opening positions due to finishing school, wedding planning, remodeling the house, and moving, but I did apply to a few schools and just hoped for the best.
Well, about 2 weeks ago I got a call for an interview. On Saturday morning, I met with three wonderful people from the school and had a great meeting with them. I felt like it went really well and just prayed on it the rest of the weekend.
This afternoon, I got a wonderful phone call: a job offer! The prayers were answered, and I know this is what I'm supposed to be doing. I did not major in education because I got the calling a little late in my college career, but this first year I will build a portfolio and learn teaching techniques. I am so excited to be working at Presbyterian Day School in Memphis. What a wonderful opportunity, and what an amazing blessing!
Needless to say, Alex and I are both very very very excited. He took me to Benihana tonight for a celebration dinner! Alex has never been pushy or worried about me getting a job, but I am the type of person that has to have something to do! We have been back from the honeymoon for only two weeks and I am already going stir crazy and getting antsy! I know I drive him crazy by calling him during the day and stopping by the office! I can't wait to put all of this time and energy towards the kids and my career! What a wonderful feeling!
Happy Monday, everyone!
Hey Kristen!! Congrats on the job! PDS is an awesome school, and I know you will LOVE teaching there! Two people to look out for... my good friend, Sophie Edwards, who I think you will get along with soo well, and Dennis Smith, who is the athletic director. You will meet so many other wonderful people!